Are food cravings or stress eating having a negative impact on your life? Do you struggle to control yourself around chocolate, wine, bread, sugar, pop, potato chips, fast food or any other food that you know is damaging to you?
This course will teach you a powerful tool that goes way beyond willpower. Emotional Freedom Techniques, a.k.a. EFT Tapping, is a powerful mind-body intervention that involves tapping with your fingertips on certain points on the body to immediately reduce unwanted cravings and dissipate stress or negative emotions that lead us to reach for comfort foods (or any other substance or behaviour we may abuse). The effectiveness of EFT Tapping for permanently reducing food cravings, the perceived power of food, symptoms of depression and anxiety and improving dietary restraint has been demonstrated in multiple studies. In fact, EFT is considered an evidence-based technique and there have been over 275 review articles, research studies and metaanalyses published in professional, peer-reviewed
journals on energy medicine tools including EFT. You can review the research here if you’re interested.
Join me, Ellie Steele Holistic Nutritionist, Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner and Wellness Coach, for this eight hour course to learn how to apply EFT Tapping to gain control over food cravings, stress eating or other unwanted addictive behaviours.