I hosted the EFT and Law of Attraction Group Coaching Sessions for free for a number of years, and although new sessions are no longer being recorded at this time, you may benefit from listening and tapping along with me in these archived sessions. You may see this work continue in the form of a podcast, so stay tuned for that!
If you’re new to EFT Tapping, I suggest you start by watching some of the videos here to learn the basic technique.
If you find these sessions helpful please shoot me an email at Admin@EFTTappping.ca
If you’re new to these sessions please read the disclaimer here before listening.
Anger at Corporate Greed
In this call, you’ll hear me speak with a caller about her anger at corporate greed. This is an issue that creates a lot of emotional upset for me, and possibly for you too. Tapping to release the charged emotions on a topic doesn’t mean we’ll suddenly be “okay” with it, but it does give us some space, releases stress and allows us to tackle the big problems in life with a clearer head and heart. It’s always worth clearing negative emotions since they often impede problem-solving and create a great deal of stress.
Female Cavewoman Programming-I need a man to feel safe!
In this call we’re exploring a theory of mine about how we can consciously evolve the brain’s primitive programming that’s no longer appropriate. Specifically, we’re clearing the female brain’s programming of needing a man in order to feel safe and secure. The reality is, it’s just NOT appropriate any longer in the western world. Clearing it feels like a breath of fresh air and lets us act completely differently in a relationship when we’re not being motivated by unconscious, survival instincts. Enjoy!
I Don’t Like Myself
In this call a listener on the webcast asked the question “I don’t like myself. How can I let go of this?”
Listen in as I give her my answer and as we tap through yet another story from my own life that I could still feel a little “ick” around relative to how I feel about myself.
Childhood Friendships
Childhood friendships are a minefield of unresolved emotions that may be impacting us to this day. Anyone that made us feel like we didn’t belong or that we weren’t loved and accepted in our youth is still whispering in our ear..until we clean that slate! Join me in this call as we release beliefs and unresolved junk that our childhood friends bestowed upon us!
Short-term vs. long-term gain
This may be one of my favourite topics. In fifteen years of working with clients to help them change their lifestyle habits, the most common block I’ve seen is our natural, hind-brain, pleasure-seeking behaviours that sabotage our long-term success.
Here I discuss a new approach to evolving out of our hedonistic drives that get in the way of being the healthy, happy, productive people we really want to be.
EFT for Jealousy and Feeling Threatened
In this call we worked on more of that primitive, caveman brain programming. This time specifically on feeling threatened by other women. It’s just not reasonable to go through life feeling threatened due to old hind-brain programming so we’re going to do our best to delete and erase the old programs that cause feelings of jealousy when our partners interact with people that make us feel threatened. This call will be equally helpful for men that experience feelings of jealousy or intimidation from other men!
Letting Ourselves be Vulnerable
In this call I share my own experiences with learning about my needs and how to authentically connect with other humans by letting myself be open and vulnerable. We naturally build a wall around our hearts in response to pain and rejection, and the foundational bricks in our wall are generally put in place in childhood. Even an imagined slight could cause us to retreat and start “bricking, as a friend of mine calls it. When we resolve those old feelings of pain and rejection we pull out the bricks and when we remove enough of them, our wall comes tumbling down and we’re able to love with our whole hearts, knowing that the pain of possible rejection is just the price of admission, but it’s totally worth it.
I reference this incredible video from Brene Brown in the call, so I suggest you start here and then tap along with me on a brick from your wall.
EFT for Resistance to Work-a potential block to success
In this call we explore blocks to success that might have their root in resistance to doing the work we need to do to be successful! If your life experiences ever made you feel like your parents’ work was more important than you were, you may have made an unconscious promise to yourself to “never let work come between me and my family or me and my life”. That promise could have all sorts of negative impacts on your ability to find balance between work and life. Listen in and tap along with me.
Supporting those with Mental Illness
In this call we discussed mental illness, the short-comings of our mental health care system and how EFT can support us through the challenges of dealing with mental illness. EFT is an excellent tool for those dealing with mental illness, but in a case of any serious disorder of thought or a diagnosed mental health condition, a licensed mental health professional needs to oversee patient care. Unfortunately, we have very few licensed mental health professionals that are also trained with a high skill level with EFT, so this remains a challenge. For anyone that would like to explore EFT for mental health treatment, please contact me at ellie@evolutionwellness.ca and I can refer you to the proper agency depending on your place of residence.
Specifically in this call we discussed using EFT for those of us that may be living with or close to someone that’s suffering from a serious mental illness as there are many applications for EFT in this circumstance. Chances are we’ve been traumatized by our loved one that’s suffering, or we have intense feelings about their level of suffering. Join me in a borrowing benefits tap along session in which I worked through a personal story of witnessing a loved one’s suffering.
We explored this topic with concepts from Law of Attraction teachings as well.
To work on this sensitive topic in a group session it’s best if you focus on grief that isn’t too overwhelming or fresh. If you’ve just lost someone very close to you, group tapping may not be the best place to heal that. I’d suggest working on a smaller bit of grief such as the loss of a pet or a loss you may have sustained five or more years ago. If the emotions become overwhelming I recommend stopping the audio and simply tapping and breathing until you feel you can dive deeper. Unresolved grief is a very common energy we hold for much of our lives. When we’re able to heal the pain, we come away with a better relationship to the essence of our loved one and a deep sense of peace and love for the cycle of life. If it’s just too much to handle on your own, pause the work until you can find a qualified EFT professional to help you, but don’t let it stay unresolved. Remember, we bury our feelings alive and if we don’t deal with them, they will have a negative impact in our lives and on our health.
Emotional Eating
In this call we discussed how we all emotionally eat and how to get to the roots of the emotional upsets that drive the need to eat when we’re not hungry.
Specifically, we walked through the door of having a “time of day” that tends to be a problem for you. Do you eat when you get home from work? Or maybe it’s after the kids are gone to bed? Or maybe you just eat extra large portions at dinner time?
Whatever your “problem time” is, we start releasing the emotional resistance that prevents it from dissolving.
“It’s Never Good Enough”
In this call we talked about setting the intention to see a problem area in life in a different way, and how that plays out for me in my own experience.
We also tapped and worked through a common pattern of “It’s never good enough”. This pattern shows up for A LOT of people due to well-meaning parents that were always trying to help you do something “better”, like get better grades or tie your shoes better, or be a better person. Unfortunately, many of us got the message that nothing we did was ever “enough”. Even worse is if you had a parent that was overly critical and never gave you any positive feedback. It’s a recipe for disaster and can show up in our adult lives as perfectionism and procrastination, constant self-doubt and even anxiety. Join me as we clean the slate one story at a time.