Hi! I’m Ellie
I have a passion for teaching my clients how to achieve and maintain physical and emotional wellness that lasts a lifetime. I began my own journey into alternative health with a personal health crisis that forced me to quit my job and focus on healing. Working in a factory with various toxic chemical exposures brought my body to its knees. After cat scans, ultrasounds, two emergency trips to the hospital and the suggestion of exploratory surgery to diagnose my “unknown” illness I took the plunge, quit my job and never looked back. Within one month of following a healing, whole foods diet along with other natural health therapies (which I now teach to others) my health was well on the way to optimum.
Now I rarely experience any symptoms of imbalanced health. My energy levels allow me to live a very busy life with multiple interests without experiencing fatigue, I don’t get headaches or heartburn, my joints never ache, my hormone levels are balanced, and I’m happy 99% of the time. I don’t experience nausea, brain fog or allergies of any kind. I haven’t needed or used pharmaceutical drugs since beginning my journey and I’m always able to manage any temporary health crisis with natural methods. This is a state of near-optimum health that everyone has the ability to reach.
Over the years I gained certifications and took volumes of training in holistic nutrition, personal training, Reiki, energy medicine, spirituality, sports nutrition and EFT.
I won’t say that my knowledge in nutrition, exercise, spirituality, law of attraction and energy medicine weren’t all important pieces of my journey, but I can easily say that adding EFT to my knowledge base allowed me to overcome my own self-sabotage. As I broke through my own limiting beliefs and fears I found that much of my “knowledge” became “wisdom”. I define knowledge as knowing what to do and wisdom as the real-life application of that knowledge. Needless to say, my life changed for the better when I learned how to tap away the unresolved emotional issues that were keeping me stuck. My own issues with food and body image gradually faded. My self-esteem and my sense of purpose in this world went through the roof. My personal negative beliefs, wiring and subconscious patterns became navigable in a way they had never been previously.
These days my love of learning has blossomed into something I can barely tame. In conjunction with my health coaching and EFT practice I’m constantly exploring new areas that will make me a better coach and ultimately, a better human being.
I look forward to sharing what I’ve learned with you!
Official EFT
Gary Craig, emofree.com EFT CERT-II
Other EFT training
Dawson Church- EFT for Weight Loss
Carol Look -Advanced EFT
Karin Davidson- Matrix Re-imprinting and Matrix Re-Birthing
Yearly Conferences with the Canadian Association of Integrated Energy Therapies and the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology
Other Energy Medicine/Psychology/Law of Attraction/Spirituality/Coaching Training
Ann McLeod- Reiki Level 3
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Sedona Method
Silva Systems Mind Training
Abraham-Hicks multiple seminars and courses
Access Consciousness
Body Talk
Craig Hamilton Evolutionary Life Transformation Program-2012
Coursera: Introduction to Psychology-2016
McMaster University: Introduction to Addictions-2016
McMaster University: The Skilled Helper- 2017
Coursera: Positive Psychology with Martin E.P. Seligman-2017
Coursera: Positive Psychology Application and Interventions-2018
The Neuroscience Academy with Dr. Sarah McKay: Neuroscience for Coaches-2018
Social Service Worker Diploma-St. Lawrence College 2021
Nutrition Training
Alive Academy of Nutrition
Canadian School of Natural Nutrition- Registered Holistic Nutritionist-2001
Cory Holly Institute- Certified Sports Nutrition Advisor-2003
Robb Wolf- CrossFit Nutrition Certification-2009
PaleoCon 2014
The Gluten Summit 2013
Robb Wolf-Keto Masterclass 2018
Various on-going personal exploration and learning in paleo, primal, ancetral and ketogenic diets
Fitness/Movement Training
Canadian Fitness Professionals- Personal Trainer Specialist-2001
Focus Personal Fitness- Apprenticeship-2009
CrossFit Level 1-2012
Stott Pilates Level 1 Mat-2015
GMB Elements and Paralettes II training- 2017, 2018
Yearly mandatory upgrading